Monday, June 13, 2011


A promo poster for Marvel's The Avengers was spotted at the Licensing International Expo in Las Vegas and photographed by ESQ.. It features all the heroes together and the movie hits theaters on May 4, 2012. My Birthday Movie!

Latest Stuff: Guy Roland Photographer

Spa Treatment: Laser Trim Spa Concepts

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Makin Some Lasanga...

Totally into the Lasagna today, I pressed down harsh on the layers (dry pasta only) - huge difference. I like oven ready pasta, then the usual fare, zucchini, spinach, cottage cheese, a simple but spicy sauce, three kinds of cheese, fresh basil, baked at 375 nice and hot, then let is stand for 20min. Caesar salad and some soda. So awesome...