Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Salvation Army Contracts Merder Tees - Part 2

In an earlier post about a month ago I was approached buy the Salvation Army to design a shirt which had Jesus Christ on it & the theme of Blood & Fire, iconic for the Salvation Army. After weeks of going back and forth, we nailed it. It looks awesome. Few minor tweaks and we'll take it to vector and send them the file! Awesome hook up up for us - thanks Father Jon!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Merder 2.0 continues...

So there have been a few new developments. First off the new site is rolling along, All the pages are designed and we're coding/ animating it right now. Looks great! News - The team from Vancouver Fashion Week recently approached us to be a part of their 8 year gig. Pretty cool opportunity it'll be full of buyers, designers & retailers. They loved the line and are stoked to show it off in the annual show this November 4th 2008. VFW has a massive following and they sell out every year. All that great press coverage & the who's who's of west coast fashion. They were very cooperative too - in fact they gave me everything I asked for including the last spot to close the entire week! It's the bomb time slot at a show. Don't ask - don't get. So we're hitting the runway. Look for footage from that gig after the show. Crazy eh?