Sunday, January 23, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Great clients with Awesome ideas: Corporate Ladies

Here we go again, just pumping out the sites like no body's business! I am the fasted designer alive and I am taking my ONE MAN SHOW on the road anytime now! Some great clients, all woman this time? Did you know that the number one consumer is a 26 year old woman? They make more money and have more opportunities than ever! They shop more, live better, travel more and eat better than us guys that's for sure!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tales from the Graphic Mafia - Part 1

I've been working on this book for while now. It's a large scale coffee table book, full of my art, games, puzzles, stickers an iron on and filled with some pretty awesome stories and adventures from the past 20 years of my oh so young career. Putting out a book is no joke, I had to get a Ghost Writer to help me along the way, someone who actually knows English grammar. After all I kant schpell.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Great clients with Awesome ideas: Kings Sin

It was called Kings Sin, a brand created by an acquaintance of mine who came up with a tattoo art style based on the Lore of The King's Sins around the world over time. What kind of stuff were those cheeky Kings all about anyway? Filthy swines. I created these a few years ago for him. Perfect example of great clients with awesome ideas. I'd love to see these in stores soon.

Draw, Draw, Draw!

I have been drawing some funny stuff lately, Illustrations, all kinds of things, also - a classic page attached of some of my favorite ones from years ago too. I would like to draw all day if I had it my way.

What I do for a Living....

Since I pump out an obtuse amount of design for illustration concepts, websites, print campaigns, branding ideas etc. I thought why not just have a good old hotpot spot to dump it all as they get polished up. Some of the stuff is pretty standard, my clients are quite varied and come from all walks of life. I especially look for people with unique products and ideas with a twist. After doing this for almost 20 years - One gets a bit bored with the same old shit. I hope that mt continued travels help influence my design. Once in while - I find some real diamond clients, here are a few....

It's so awesome to return from such a long trip and have a ton of freelance ready to go! It's the new mobile job - honestly, anyone can take a laptop on the road, design stuff on the fly, get great clients along the way and build a sick portfolio!?

Happy New Years 2011

I woke up today and said to myself "I need to use my fricken BLOG as an SEO tool for my Design Work and my new hopeful budding Photography Career?!" I've got a new book in the works - Tales from the Graphic Mafia - gonna have to push that soon too, a tour for Design & Technical Schools teaching kids how to get the gigs etc - PLUS - I'm still slugging my shirt concept (2.5 years of work - time to sell some shit!). It's all good, January is a great time to get one's Ducks in a Row! 22 Days in the Mayan Riviera really inspires a lad like me!