Monday, December 16, 2013

Anything is Possible....

Well 2013 is about to come to and end & I have had a wonderful year overall. Lot's of ups, not so many downs, but a ton of fun in business and pleasure. Threw some great parties with friends and made some new ones along the way. 2013 it's sad to see you go, I will miss this year more than most years that have passed - this one was special. If you asked me three years ago what I would be doing in 3 years, I might have said working at some rock star ad agency in London UK. Or, busting my butt trying to change the world of hot dawgs forever? Who knew it would be the latter - Life is amazing. 

So what's ahead for a hustling CEO like me you night ask - TONS THAT'S WHAT. 
Dinky Dawgs in on the verge of some very impressive projects. Our new business plan for 2014 is spectacular. It covers a huge infrastructure for both brand expansion & product development. It also prepares us to take it abroad, overseas to the European market shares. Since day one I have always wanted us to have a presence in the UK. London has always been the top place for me to retire, settle down and enter my 50's. England to my inspiration, everything I love is from there. The spirit of my youth, music, culture, fashion and advertising and marketing comes from there. I need to be there and stay young forever. If taking Dinky Dawgs to London is a way for me to live well and remain inspired  - then so be it. Vancity, London and Talum Mexico? Anything is possible. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Knock Knock! Who's there?

It's fall in the beautiful Vancity! My fav time of year. After a VERY LONG SUMMER, we are gradually chilling out, cooler temps, hot chocolates and fun fall fashion. Happy 4th Year Anniversary Cene - Love you baby xo ;)

Over 20 years of supporting the Canucks, I finally came up with a bulletproof ad campaign for Dinky Dawgs. The Canucks are famous for shutting down using their name on any marketing or promotion in the city. That means you can't proudly display your team fan support with out the use of LICENSED CANUCKS PARAPHERNALIA. Total bullshit - So after 20 years of trying to outsmart their legal team - WE LOVE LOU has officially taken the city by storm. Our pins, posters and stickers are slowly covering the downtown core. Over the next month, we will be assaulting this town with our clever marketing. You see WE LOVE LOU is ours, not theirs, I spelt his name wrong, no Canucks logos, they dob't own blue and green and the font is custom. 

All we want is a CUP.....and maybe sell a few thousand Dawgs in the process lol. 

Dinky Dawgs Sausages take FIRST PLACE TROPHIES in the Great Canadian Sausage Competition! Our certified organic butchers Black Forest Meats recently placed first in the renowned championships. The finest Dawgs in BC - Congratulations to the entire team at BFM! Wunderbar!

Loblaws, Whole Foods & Capers here we come! In a recent meeting with our talented team at Dinky Dawgs Galactic Headquarters, we are heading to the retail market sooner than later. Our Dinky Take Away line will feature combinations of all your favourite Dinky Dawgs wieners and sausages. In addition we will feature new package design and in store marketing never seen before. Of course you'll be able to buy them all in our new FREEZERS in any Dinky Dawgs shop and online. 

NEW SITE?! launched last week. We spill the dawgs on all our trade secrets, the science of making amazing hot dawgs and the future of our brand, what we learned and what it takes to reinvent this beloved food forever. Look for more content soon!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Don't forget to enjoy the ride Dman!

My Mom says it's important to 'stop and smell the roses' make an effort to 'enjoy the ride' and so forth. Well she's right, she's always right. Launching this brand in the city has been so much fun for all of us. I knew it would amazing and I knew the media would go mental for Dinky Dawgs. Thanks Vancouver for giving our little brand a chance. (CTV Morning National with Aamer & Ann - Watch it)

I always say, as an artist - All you can hope for is that your ideas are inspiring to younger people that are way more talented than you are lol. Luckily for me, I am forever young and talent finds me where ever I go, whatever I do. The kids at 604NomNom are a great example. (604NomNom Review - Watch it)

I think it's finally time to finish that book I've been picking at for 10 years and put it out. I guess I have a happy ending after all. LAUNCH DATE DECEMBER 2013, just in time for Christmas!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

2 feet to the Home Plate...

The home stretch has arrived, I can't believe it. Getting a thick skin for this stuff now. I find the small things don't make me sweat that much anymore. Funny how age and experience makes one more tolerable. I wrote my first Kids Book for Dawg's sake!


 If you know me then you know the only real thing I care about is the fricken MAN OF STEEL coming out this month


*Dinky Dawgs Super Capes available all summer lol

Monday, April 8, 2013

'Ketchup' Time with Dman...

So many small achievements make for a grand design. It takes so many parts to make wonderful things blossom into magnificent creations. This is what I have learned. Now in our last 3 weeks before the new shop opens in Granville Station, we all are beginning to realize what a monster of a product/ brand we are sitting on - it's huge.

It's so simple and easy for us now. We already have the formula & our little 'social foodie experiment' is over. People want to put crazy shit on hot dawgs - period. So, upon retuning to Vancouver, my goals are the same - Stay on target, kids are the key, forget about what everyone else is doing in the city - their products are all garbage and poorly represented. Finally, kill it with innovative recipes, tastes and combinations including revolutionary never before created Dawgs like the Sea Dawgs (Halibut & Wild Salmon) or the Meatball Dawg (Bison meat and spices) or the Dinky Desert Dawg! Whoa...right?

I'll say it again - Dinky Dawgs is about kids and families enjoying themselves, creating healthy & delicious food together, with the most toppings in the most incredible space ever to serve hot dawgs in the entire world. That's it, no Dragons, no celebrity endorsements, nothing by grass fed, organic Dawgs made just the way you like it, every time, all the time. ;)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Practice Makes Perfect...Granville Station Launches Spring 2013!

It's been an entire year and we can proudly say we made it to our First Birthday! Congratulations to my Partners, my Team and the wonderful town of Whistler for building this brand into the phenomenon it's become. The good news is - Vancouver here we come!

Located in the heart of Granville Station, Dinky Dawgs is geared up for a massive launch this coming April. A ton of hard work and diligence has gone into finding the right space and making this a dream come true for us all. In cooperation with our new partners, we will be further expanding the brand this summer to a few more Skytrain Stations and Surrey this year. Our goal is to continue to build modest scaled shops and serve the best Grass Fed Organic Dawgs in BC. The marketing machine kicks in hard this week and I can't wait to release it on such a grand scale. Holy Sh*t we did it.